When Can I Reduce My Child Support?

Child support is a legal obligation that ensures the financial well-being of your child. But sometimes circumstances can change and make the original child support order difficult to maintain. If you find yourself in a situation where your financial circumstances have shifted, you may be wondering when you can legally reduce your child support payments. Keep reading to learn more about child support modifications and how consulting with a child support attorney in Riverside CA can help.

Can You Modify Child Support in Riverside CA?

In California, once a child support order is established, it remains in effect until the child turns 18, unless it’s modified by the court. However, life is unpredictable, and situations may arise that make it difficult or impossible to continue paying the original amount. If you experience a significant change in circumstances, you may be eligible to request a modification to your current child support amount.

Common Reasons for Reducing Child Support

Several common situations may justify a reduction in child support payments. These include:

  • A parent loses their job
  • A parent gets a new job or promotion
  • A parent gets remarried to a high-earning spouse
  • The custody agreement is changed to share physical custody differently
  • A child has been emancipated
  • Additional children you are responsible for
  • Support needs to be extended beyond age 18 for a disabled adult child

The Process for Modifying Child Support

To reduce your child support payments, you must file a request with the court to modify the existing order. This process involves several steps:

  • Filing a Motion
  • Providing Financial Documentation
  • Attending a Court Hearing

If the court agrees that your circumstances have changed significantly, it may grant your request to reduce child support. The new order will replace the previous one and will remain in effect unless further modified.

Why You Need a Child Support Attorney in Riverside CA to Help With Your Case

Navigating the process of modifying child support can be complex and time-consuming. It’s important to present a strong case to the court, which is why a skilled child support attorney in Riverside CA can make a significant difference. At Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP, we understand the challenges you may face when seeking to reduce your child support payments. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process, from filing the motion to representing you in court. We are committed to helping you achieve a fair child support arrangement that reflects your current financial situation. Contact us today at 909-482-1422 to schedule a consultation and learn how we can assist you in modifying your child support order.

To learn more about the reliable and quality family law services that we offer, visit us on the web.