Can I File for an Annulment if My Spouse and I Have Only Been Married for a Few Weeks?

Did you recently get married and now realize that the marriage was a mistake? If you have only been married for a few weeks, you might be wondering whether you can get an annulment instead of a divorce. While the length of a marriage may play a role, annulments are not granted simply because a marriage was short-lived. Instead, California law requires specific legal grounds to nullify a marriage. Keep reading to learn more about whether you qualify for an annulment and how Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP can help.

Does the Length of a Marriage Matter?

Many people assume that if a marriage is very short, they can easily get an annulment. However, an annulment is not based on how long a couple has been married but rather on whether the marriage meets certain legal requirements for invalidation. Unlike a divorce, which ends a legally valid marriage, an annulment declares that the marriage was never legally valid in the first place.

This means that even if you have only been married for a few weeks, you cannot get an annulment unless you meet specific legal criteria. If your marriage does not qualify for an annulment, you will need to file for a divorce to end the marriage legally.

Legal Grounds for an Annulment in California

California law allows for annulments only under specific circumstances. You may qualify for an annulment if one of the following conditions applies to your marriage:

  • Incest: The parties are related by blood
  • Bigamy: One of the individuals is already married
  • Age: One of the individuals is not above the age of consent
  • Unsound Mind: A party has a mental condition that prevents them from understanding the nature and duties of marriage
  • Fraud: One party perpetrated fraud to obtain the other’s consent to marriage
  • Force: An individual was forced into the marriage against their will

If your marriage falls under one of these categories, you may have grounds for an annulment, even if you have only been married for a short time. However, if none of these apply to your situation, divorce is the only legal option for ending the marriage.

Contact Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP for Help with an Annulment in Claremont CA

If you have only been married for a few weeks and are considering an annulment, you need to understand whether you meet California’s legal requirements. Since annulments require strong evidence and must be filed within specific timeframes, working with an experienced family law attorney in Claremont CA is crucial. At Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP, we can evaluate your case, guide you through the legal process, and help you determine whether an annulment or divorce is the best option. Call us today at 909-482-1422 to schedule a consultation and discuss your case.